Owner manual

If you would like to measure your personal before-and-
after results, there are several steps you need to take. It is
important that you accurately perform each task, then at the
end of the six-week program, repeat the process in the same
Body Weight:
Remove clothing and shoes and record your weight to the
nearest quarter pound or hundred grams. Be sure to use
the same scale when weighing yourself at the end of the
six-week program. For the most accurate recordings, weigh
yourself nude in the morning.
Since the program is divided into three two-week segments,
you may want to weigh yourself at the end of each two-
week period. Understand, however that weight loss is not
the best way to determine your success. Fat loss is the key
component. To determine the amount of fat you’ve lost, youll
need to follow the instructions in the next section.
Enter your starting weight on the RESULTS SUMMARY
SHEET provided.
Circumference of Body Parts:
For an even better idea of the changes that will occur to your
body in the next six weeks, it is necessary to measure the
circumference of certain body parts. This will tell you where
the fat is shrinking and what areas are toning up.
Use a plastic tape to measure the following:
1) Upper arms hanging and relaxed, midway
between the shoulder and elbow.
2) 2” (5 cm) above navelbelly relaxed.
3) At navel belly relaxed.
4) 2” (5 cm)
below navel — belly relaxed.
5) Hipsfeet together at maximum protrusion of
6) Thighshigh, just below the buttocks crease with
legs apart and weight distributed equally on both feet.
Record each measurement on your Results
Summary Sheet.
Women Measure:
Suprailium, triceps, and thigh.
Men Measure:
Chest, abdomen, and thigh.