Owner manual

Chest Exercises
Resisted Punch — Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Extension, Scapular Protraction
Lying Cable Crossover — Shoulder Extension/Adduction (elbow stabilized)
Lie flat on your back, head
toward the Power Rod® unit.
Position yourself far enough
down the Bench to grasp the
Hand Grips over your head with
arms straight.
• Grasp the Hand Grips, palms
facing up.
• Tighten your abdominals to
stabilize your spine. Maintain a
slight, comfortable arch in your
lower back.
Keeping your arms straight, move
your hands in an arc upward and
across your torso toward the
opposite thigh.
Control the return to the Start
position by slowly moving your
arms back overhead, releasing
the shoulder blades and keeping
arms straight.
Sit on the bench facing away
from the Power Rod® unit.
Reach behind your body and
grasp one Hand Grip with an
overhand grip, as shown above.
Bend your elbows until your
hands are level with your waist.
Using moderate speed, rotate
your trunk and press your arm
(s) forward to full extension,
allowing shoulder blade to move
forward at the end of the punch.
Slowly return to the Start
position. Do not relax the tension
in your arm.
You may vary this exercise by
using bilateral movement with
both arms or punching upward or
Muscles worked:
Anterior Deltoid; Triceps
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
Maintain an upright, erect posture as
your trunk rotates with the punch.
Keep knees bent and feet on floor.
Maintain good spinal alignment.
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis Major
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
Keep chest lifted throughout exercise.
Keep knees bent, feet on floor, head
back against bench.