Owner`s manual

Dynamic Twist
Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart. Bend the elbows; hold
the arms out to the sides. Twist the upper body to one side and
then the other side as far as comfortably possible. Each repeti-
tion of the sequence should take 1 to 3 seconds. Repeat as a
continuous, controlled, fl uid sequence 10 or 20 times
Dynamic Bent Knee Heel Press
Stand with one foot forward and one foot back, hip-width apart
and feet facing forward. Bend both knees putting weight on the
back heel. Release the stretch by returning to the start position.
Each repetition of the sequence should take 1 to 3 seconds. Re-
peat as a continuous, controlled, fl uid sequence 10 or 20 times.
Repeat the stretch with the other leg. Touch a wall or hold onto
something for balance, if necessary.
Dynamic Side Reach
Stand with the feet apart, the knees slightly bent and the arms
at the sides of the body. Reach with one hand above the head
and lean over to the opposite side. Release the stretch by re-
turning to the start position. Then reach with the other hand to
the opposite side. Use the other arm to support the body weight
on the thigh, if necessary. Each repetition of the sequence
should take 1 to 3 seconds. Repeat as a continuous, controlled,
uid sequence 10 or 20 times.
* Source: Jay Blahnik’s Full-Body Flexibility, Second Edition, 2010. HumanKinetics.com.