Owner`s manual

Condition/Problem Things to Check Solution
Belts stop turning while in use Safety key Plug Safety Key into Console (See Safety Key (Emer-
gency Stop Procedures) in Features section).
Motor overload Unit may be overloaded and drawing too much
current, causing unit to shut power down to pro-
tect motor. Consult belt lubrication schedule to
determine if belts need lubrication, check walking
belt tension, and restart unit.
Outlet Outlet may not have enough power available for
the machine due to other devices on same circuit.
Remove any devices from power circuit and
restart machine.
Console displays “C”, “S”, or “H”
with a number
Console Cycle power off and on to clear the error. If issue
recurs be sure to note the display code and con-
tact Customer Service for further assistance.
Console displays “LUbE” code Belt lubrication Consult lubrication schedule and apply if neces-
sary. Push START button.