User guide

ENTERPRISE User Guide 6-
Importing a Single Procedure
To import a single procedure:
1. With the application open, click File>Import> Procedure File v1.x v2.x
Note: When the Windows Open dialog box displays, it displays the files in the default
directory for the LOCKOUT-PRO
2. Select the file to import and click Open. The application will begin converting the file.
Note: If the file to convert is in a different directory, use the Open dialog box functions to
locate the directory and display the file.
3. When the procedure displays in the main display area, it has been converted, and you can make
any changes to it that you want (see Chapter 5: Creating or Editing Procedures). When you are
done, click Save Procedure.
4. In the Save As dialog box, type the name you want for the saved procedure. The conversion
process is complete.
Note: If you use the same name as a v1.x or v2.x procedure, the procedure will
automatically overwrite the earlier one.
Importing Multiple Procedures
You can import multiple v1.x or v2.x procedures in one batch process, as long as the procedures to be
imported are all located in the same directory.
To import multiple procedures:
1. With application open, click File>Import.
2. Depending on the version in which your earlier files were created, click Convert v1.x Files or
Convert v2.x Files.
3. In the Batch Convert window, make sure the directory containing the files to be converted displays
in the Source box, and the directory where the converted files are to be saved displays in the
Destination box.
Note: You can use the Browse function to find and display the correct directories for both
4. With the correct directories displayed, click Start Conversion. During the conversion process, the
application will:
Place a checkmark next to each file as it is converted.
If necessary, prompt you to choose images for Short Form procedures containing more than two.
5. When the conversion is done, you can browse to another directory for more files to convert, or you
can close the Batch Convert window and return to the main window.