User Manual

WavePoint Portable RFID Reader/Writer User’s Guide
Because the Brady RFID System uses radio frequency (RF) energy to
communicate between a tags/labels and the wand, there are several important
points to keep in mind while setting up and operating the system.
Metal adversely effects both the wand and tags/labels antennas by
reducing the read range of the overall system. To the extent
possible, keep tags/labels and the wand reader/writer antenna
away from metal components.
Interference from other electronic sources can reduce the read
range of the RFID system. If the interference is strong enough, it
may even render the system inoperative. When reading
tags/labels, keep the wand and tags/labels as far away as possible
from interfering sources.
When writing data to a tags/labels, the tags/labels should remain
stationary and in close proximity to the reader/writer.
Possible sources of interference include, but are not limited to:
CRTs (Computer Monitor, CCTV Monitor TV’s)
Light dimmer switches
Brush-type motors
Motor drives, starters
Motion control equipment
Make sure that the wand is attached to your PC. Please see Step 1, Connect to
Serial Cable on page 5.
Make sure to install the configuration utility on your PC. Please see Step 3,
Install WavePoint Configuration Software on page 6.