User Manual

WavePoint Portable RFID Reader/Writer User’s Guide
Brady RFID Tags/labels
Brady RFID tags are composed of a microchip, coil antenna and packaging.
Microchip and packaging options can be combined to fit a wide range of
RFID tag applications.
Microchip options include Read Only (RO) and Read/Write (R/W). Several
different memory capacities for R/W applications are also available.
RO Tags
RO tags are preprogrammed with a unique 40-bit number (10 HEX
characters). Versions of read only tags are also available that can be
programmed by the user with a user defined number. Once programmed, the
number is unchangeable and permanently stored in the tag. It can be read
many times. Therefore, this type of tag is typically referred to as a WORM
(Write Once - Read Many).
R/W Tags
R/W tags store both permanent (unchangeable) data and user programmed
(changeable) data. The permanent data segment is similar to that of a RO tag.
However, the amount of fixed data is usually 32 bits (8 HEX characters). In
addition to this permanent data storage, R/W tags also have memory, which
can be overwritten. The amount of changeable memory in a R/W tag ranges
from 152 bits (19 alphanumeric characters) to 1536 bits (192 alphanumeric
characters). Versions of R/W tags are also available with password protection.
To prevent the data on a tag from being changed.
Packaging options include a variety of shapes and forms as well as different
case materials. The proper choice of material provides a wide range of
operating temperatures and chemical resistance.