User Manual

WavePoint Portable RFID Reader/Writer User’s Guide
General Operations
This screen allows you to configure the communication port that your reader
is attached to and set the Button press required option if you are using a
WavePoint Wand. See Accessing the Configuration Utility at the beginning
of this chapter for details.
Preferred Tag Type By default, the WavePoint reader performs auto-
discrimination to distinguish between multiple types
of supported tags. If you are only using one particular
tag and wish to speed up the reader/tag
communication, select your preferred tag type. To set
a preferred tag type, check the specific type and click
Save Settings.
Vibratory Feature Allows users to enable/disable a vibratory feature on
the reader. When enabled, the reader will vibrate on a
successful operation completion. Check either enable
or disable, and click
Save Settings.
Audible Alert Allows users to enable/disable an audible alert on the
reader. When enabled, the reader will beep on a
successful operation completion. Check either enable
or disable, and click
Save Settings.
Reader Duration Allows users to modify the timeout value used by the
reader. Select a time out value the drop-down list box,
and click
Save Settings.
Tag Operations
The following tag operations can be configured:
Tag/Card Type
R/W Password and Boundary
Read Serial Number
Read Public Data
Read Tag Data
Write Tag Data