User Manual

WavePoint Portable RFID Reader/Writer User’s Guide
Option Description
data or write into the private data, a password is
required. In order to make all of the tag's data
publicly accessible, i.e. without a password, it is
recommended that you reset the private boundary to
the value of 117 and use 'Default' as the value for the
The status of each operation will be displayed on the status bar located at the
bottom of the window.
To place the reader in a mode of continuously performing this operation,
check Continuous and click
Private Boundary
Following illustrates the concept of the private boundary in more detail.
Example 1
Assume that the table below illustrates the memory architecture of the tag.
The first row displays the character positions.
The second row displays the data currently stored in the tag’s
Each cell represents a single character stored on a tag starting at
position 1.
The character position displayed in bold shows the current
position of the private boundary.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
14 15
H E L L O , W O R L D !
If the tag’s public data is read, HELLO, WORLD! will be returned.