User's Manual Part 1

11 User Manual
Temporary Override Adjustment Limit
User Option 5
The Temporary Override Adjustment Limit will limit how
much the temperature can be adjusted from the current set point
when the thermostat is used in the programmable mode. This
setting will not allow the user to override the temperature past
the selected limit amount of 1, 2 or 3 degrees
from the current
set point. When the user reaches the adjustment
limit the screen
will ash ADJ. A setting of 0 disables the adjustment limit.
The Temporary Override Adjustment Limit can also be used in
the non-programmable mode if the keypad lockout security
level is set to level 1 (See Installer Guide).
Program Override Time Limit
User Option 6
The Program Override Time Limit allows you to set a maximum time limit (in hours) that the thermostat will
return to the program after a temporary temperature adjustment has been made (See Setting the Temperature,
page 23).
You may select 1, 2, 3 or 4 hours. Not available in non-programmable mode.
Thermostat Lock Code
User Option 7
The Thermostat Lock Code sets a 3-digit code that you may use at any time to lock or unlock the thermostat.
Setting the code in the user options mode does not activate the lock feature (See Locking/Unlocking Thermostat,
page 28). You may choose a 3-digit code with each digit being 0-9.