Owner's manual

Tube equipment runs on fairly high voltages that can be lethal in case of direct con-
tact. Brauner products comply to all international safety regulations, are tested severe-
ly and can therefore be used safely and without any risks if the following regulations
are met:
1) Please read this manual carefully.
2) The manufacturer will in no way be able to be held responsible for damages of
any kind whatsoever if these occur from unintended use of the equipment or occur
from any changes to the equipment made by someone not explicitly authorized by
the manufacturer.
3) Do not open the equipment if not told to by our service personnel. Always dis-
connect the mains if you should open it (HIGH VOLTAGE!). Unauthorized opening
will void your warranty. Only authorized service personnel is allowed to repair this
4) The equipment contains high voltage capacitors that charge voltages up to 230V
even when it is switched o and disconnected from the mains. Internal resistors will
discharge the capacitors within about 10 minutes after disconnecting.
5) The equipment must be grounded. Never disconnect or bypass the safety ground
from your power supply.
6) Check the voltage settings of the power supply before turning it on. Exchange
fuses only with the same type (at 115V mains voltage: 800mA/230V time lag, accor-
ding to DIN 41662).
7) Take good care of your cables. Check them for damages regularly and replace them
if damaged. Don‘t work with damaged cables.
8) Avoid the use of the equipment under extreme conditions such as dust or high
humidity. Do not throw away the desiccant bag but keep it in the case close to your
microphone. It is lled with non toxic, activated clay which has an excellent long term
stability and a very high absorption potential for humidity.
9) Avoid dropping or punching the equipment. Always store it in the transport case if
not used. If the equipment is dropped or damaged in any way, disconnect it from the
mains, wait for 15 minutes and then check it for visible damages or loose parts and
get in touch with our service team.
10) Be sure to use a microphone stand that can support the weight of the micro-
2.0 Safety Instructions