User Manual

18 Creating Discs
4. Close SureThing or Disc Cover.
5. You will be asked if you would like to use the label you just
created in your current project. Click Yes.
6. You may now choose to adjust print settings as described
Step 3: Start Project (Summary - Settings)
In this step you can verify data and print information and set
the number of copies. Optionally you may choose to edit burn
settings. However, the default settings are optimized to give
you the best quality burn. Simply click “Go” to start the job.
Below is a summary of all available options:
Project Summary
This areas displays information about the data you have
chosen, a thumbnail and file name of the print file you have
chosen and picture and description of the Disc Publisher
Robot you have chosen. If any of this information is incorrect,
use the back arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back to the
appropriate window to correct it.
Change Robot. This is only available with multiple robots
connected. Click it to change the robot to which this project
will be sent.
Drives. With multiple drive units connected you can choose
to burn to both drives or only the top drive or only the
bottom drive. This is useful if one of the drives is starting to
wear out and is producing rejected discs. You can simply
stop using that drive until you are able to replace it.
Protect Video with PTProtect (PC Only). This is only
available in the DVD Video and ISO image Project with
purchase of PTProtect USB dongle. See the PTProtect
Section 3B.6 for more information.
Save Project. On a Mac, at the top of the summary window
you can type the name of your job and then click save to
save it anywhere on your computer. For PC, you can save a
project at any time by opening the file menu and choosing
Save Project.