Unit installation

RLC-3 V1.80 Copyright © 1998 Link Communications Inc. 9/17/98
065: Restore Audio Routing Variable (Undo 037 and 038)
This command allows you to restore the audio routing within a macro to whatever it was at the
beginning of the macro. In other words, if commands 037 or 038 have been executed earlier in the
macro, their effects will be negated. It has no effect if used outside of a macro.
I want to make a macro to connect ports 1 and 2 and speak "Link Up" to whichever port entered
the command (which is the default, see command 050). This can be done without using command
065 as follows:
055 500 ; erase whatever is in macro 500
056 500 036 292 507 ; speak "link up"
056 500 038 ; be quiet for the rest of this macro
056 500 000 12 ; connect ports 1 and 2
The above method may seem backwards, as the command to send the "link up" response comes
before the ports are actually connected. When the controller executes the macro, it puts the words
"link up" in a buffer to be spoken when the voice synthesizer has time and immediately goes ahead
and finishes the macro, connecting the ports. Assuming that the voice synthesizer is not busy
speaking something else, it will speak "link up" soon afterward.
The following macro does the exact same thing, and will sound exactly the same to the person that
enters it:
055 500 ; erase whatever is in macro 500
056 500 038 ; be quiet for the rest of this macro, unless
command 037 or 065 are executed
056 500 000 12 ; connect ports 1 and 2
056 500 065 ; set the audio routing back to what it was
at the beginning of this macro
056 500 036 292 507 ; speak "link up"
Note that the ports are connected first, then the audio routing is restored and the message is sent.
It takes one more command in the macro (065) to put things in this order, but if it makes more
sense to you do program your macros this way, there is no harm in doing it. Note that in both
macros, command 038 is needed to keep the default response of command 000 from being spoken:
"one connect two".