Use and Care Manual

Plant Right Away: Soak roots of bareroot
trees, shrubs and roses for several hours
before planting. Soak strawberries and perennials
1/2 hour. If you can’t plant immediately, see No. 4.
Protect Plant Roots: Don’t expose roots to
air or sun—keep covered with wet burlap or
Planting Tips: Dig a hole wide enough to
hold the roots without crowding and deep
enough to set stock at the same depth it grew in the
nursery. Trim damaged roots before planting. If the
ground is hard, break up the soil at the bottom of
the hole and add a little topsoil. Position the stock
and add several inches of soil. Firm soil gently to
remove air pockets, then water. When water has
soaked in, add remaining soil and water again.
Water frequently the first year and mulch.
Since all fruit varieties (named cultivars such as
Red Delicious apple, Reliance peach, etc.) are
grafted, the planting depth should be carefully
monitored. The graft or bud union (enlarged trunk
area located 4-8 inches above the roots) should be
planted so that the union is 2-3 inches above the
soil line after settling. If planted deeper, the varietal
section above the union will produce its own roots
and become a full-size tree.
If Planting Is Delayed: BEFORE
heel-in trees and shrubs by digging a trench in
a shady spot and temporarily planting the roots
under 6 inches of moist soil.
Sprinkle roots of trees, shrubs and
roses with
water, rewrap and store in a cool basement or
unheated garage. Do not allow the stock to freeze.
Plant as soon as possible.
Store strawberries and bareroot perennials in a
spare refrigerator (not used for fresh produce) or in
an unheated area or basement until conditions are
right for planting. Wrap roots in damp paper towel-
ing and cover with a plastic bag to prevent drying.
Keep bulbs and onion sets at 50°F. Store potted
plants on a sunny windowsill or in an outdoor
area protected from direct sun or frost. Remove
the cardboard sleeve and water well until planting
conditions improve. If potatoes show mold, spread
them out to dry in an airy room.
Prune the Stock: Most stock is pruned before
shipping to avoid damage in transit, so only
minor pruning is needed. Remove crossed limbs
and broken branches.
Keep Watering! One tree or shrub may bud
and leaf out quickly, while another will take
much longer. This is normal. Keep watering on a
weekly basis if adequate rainfall of 1 inch a week
isn’t received. If in doubt, lightly scratch the bark
with your fingernail. If the wood is green, the plant
is alive. It may take 4 to 6 weeks for plants to
break dormancy; nut trees, grapes, raspberries and
blackberries may take up to 10 weeks.
Some of the roots on our bare root trees
and shrubs are more sensitive to drying out
and will arrive to you with their roots wrapped
with moisture-retentive material and cellophane
in order to maintain moisture during transit.
It is important that you maintain moisture around
the roots until you can get the plant in the ground.
Upon receipt, open up the cellophane and check to
make sure the roots and packing material are still
moist. Add water as necessary and rewrap the roots
until planting and store in a cool location. If dry
soak the roots in a bucket of water for 12 hrs. then
re-wrap until planting. Check root moisture as need-
ed to make sure roots stay sufficiently moist until
you can plant. As always remember it is important
to place nice crumbly soil around the roots for
good root/soil contact and to water your plants
thoroughly right away after planting. During the
first growing season maintain the equivalent of 2
inches of rainfall per week for best performance.
Ellepot® Paper Plant Pots: If you have
received your plants in our new environmen-
tally friendly, biodegradable paper Ellepots, you
can simply plant the whole root ball directly into
the ground. No plastic pot to remove and no need
to attempt to remove the paper covering the root
system. Your plants will be easier to plant, plus
experience less transplant shock and therefore will
establish much quicker in their new location. For
the first two weeks after planting it is important to
water regularly. The soil inside the Ellepot may be
more porous than the surrounding soil and will dry
out more quickly. Once the roots take hold into the
surrounding soil, less watering may be necessary.
Easy Steps to Planting Nursery Stock
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Summary of content (7 pages)