User Manual

Chapter 3: Bridgemate II Control software 22
Closing the result file
Select File à Close to close the active result file. You can now open another result file.
Using multiple clients
In ordinary club sessions all scoring is done of one computer. In large tournaments, however, it may
be necessary to split the session over multiple computers each serving a selection of the tables, while
having the scores collected all in one Bridgemate result file. BCS supports multiple clients
simultaneously logging in to a single result file and storing scores during the session from multiple
Bridgemate servers.
In order to change the program to multiple client mode, go to menu Tools à Options à tab General,
and set the mode to Tournament.
The list of tables will now show two tabs: All tables” and Client tables”. The All tables tab contains all
the tables stored in the result file. These are generally all the tables used in the session. The Client
tables tab displays the tables assigned to the client PC you are currently using. The name of this client
is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. The tables must be assigned to a client. If
you are using one PC for your sessions, all tables will be assigned to the same client. In this case, the
All tables and Client tables tabs contain the same tables. If you are using multiple clients, the All tables
tab contains all tables in the session; the tables may be assigned to different clients. The Client tables
tab only displays (on both PCs) those tables assigned to that specific client.
The scoring program will create the result file for you. By default it is assumed that only one client is
used. The program will automatically assign all tables to the PC you are currently using. You do not
need to perform any manual changes. Manual changes are only required during big tournaments
involving the use of multiple clients and servers.
Adding a client to the result file
The result file keeps track of which clients are using the result file. Your scoring program will
automatically add your client to the result file.
If the result file has not previously been opened by the client PC (it was created on another PC), this
client has not yet logged in to the result file and cannot use the file. To add a new client to the result
file, open the result file on the relevant client. BCS will ask you to confirm whether the client needs to
be logged in to the result file. Confirm. You will now be able to start using the result file.
Managing tables
Assigning tables to a client
Once a result file has been opened, all tables of the result file will be displayed under the All tables
tab. The Client column will display the text not assigned if the scoring program has not assigned
the table to the current client (this only occurs sporadically) or if the table has been removed by a
client. To assign a table to the client you are currently using, right-click on the table and select Add to
client. To add multiple tables simultaneously, select the table by clicking and holding the left mouse
button and the Shift key, or use the Select all function to select all the tables. Once the table has been
added to the client, the client name will be stored in the table. You can only assign tables to the client
(PC) you are currently using. If you are using multiple clients in a network, the result file will need to be
opened manually per client and the tables added to the relevant client.