User Manual

Chapter 3: Bridgemate II Control software 26
Select the sections of which you want the Bridgemates to move on, and select the number of round
you wish to close. For example, if you want all Bridgemates of section B to move on the 4
round, then
select only section B by deselecting the other sections, set close rounds 1 till 3 (not 4!), and press
Close rounds”. All missing scores up to round 3 for all tables of section B will be filled up with Not
played, and this will also appear in the result list and result matrix. Bridgemates of section B which are
still in round 3 will automatically move on to round 4.
Program settings
Program settings of BCS can be changed using menu Tools à Options à General.
To disable the automatic server detection while the program is running, check Disable server
detection. You may decide to do so whenever you are running BCS without a server connected.
During your sessions, however, you are always advised to leave this function unchecked.
Note that disable server detection will not disable detection at startup of BCS.
In order to close BCS automatically at the end of the session, check Close program at end of
session. This requires that all tables at least one time during the session are logged in (all status
indicators are green) and at end of the session all tables are logged off. In case some tables are not
played, the program will not automatically close.