User Manual

Chapter 5: Use of the Bridgemate® II scoring devices 46
Bridgemate has now saved an arbitral score for this board and will feed this to the scoring program
during read-out.
Retrieving overview
To obtain a overview of the results that have been entered on a specifc board on this table, use the
view results function of the TD menu. To access this overview, press 2 in the TD-menu. You will be
asked to enter the board number. The overview displays the pair number, direction of play, contract
and result. The number of score points is not displayed in this overview.
Results that have been entered on the same board but in other Bridgemates, will not be shown in this
Erasing entry
Tournament directors have always the option of erasing entries. This can either be a board result from
the current round or the previous round. If board results have not yet been entered in the current
round, the board result of the previous round will be erased. This method enables you to erase all
results from the Bridgemate. To erase a board input, press 3 in the TD-menu. You will be asked to
enter a board number. Enter a board number and confirm with OK. If that particular board can be
erased, the message Board erased will be displayed to indicate that the entered result has been
erased. If the board has not yet been played, or not played on this table in the current or previous
round, the Bridgemate will return a message saying that no results could be found for that board
number. When the board has been played multiple times on that table, the Bridgemate will ask you
from which round the result should be erased.
Retrieving current status
If you no longer know to which table and section the Bridgemate relates, you can retrieve this
information in the status part of the TD menu. Press 4 to retrieve the status. The expected table and
section of the Bridgemate will be displayed first, followed by the current round, corresponding pairs at
the table and the boards to be played in this round.
Overview of missing scores
From the TD menu, it is easy to establish which boards of the round have not yet been entered. Press
5. The Bridgemate will now display the numbers of the boards not yet entered in this round at this
Retrieving score recap
From the TD-menu, the TD has at any time access to the score recap of the current round, even when
access to the score recap function has been disabled for the players. In order to retrieve the score
recap of the current round, press 6.
Hand records menu
From the TD-menu, various functions for hand records are available to the tournament director. These
functions can be accessed at any time by the tournament director.