
/ Conventional Controllers
The TL-NET version allows for interfacing your LTR controllers to the TL-NET wide-area trunking
system. The TL-NET system allows multiple repeater sites to be linked together, creating a wide-
area trunking network. Visit www.BridgeComSystems.com for further details about TL-NET!
LTR Dispatch. 20 repeaters per system, 250 group IDs per controller.
Program and test all parameters from the innovative Windows
-based Control Manager soft-
ware. (See back side for details.)
Air time logging and real-time system monitoring.
ID validation. If group ID is invalid, handshake will not complete.
Built-in CWID.
Valid repeater array – Each controller has its own list of approved controllers. Safely trunk
calls to valid repeaters which allows for staged system/fleet upgrades.
Remote programming/maintenance via DTMF.
Conventional operation supported.
TL version firmware upgradable to TL-NET.
KEY FEATURES of Both Models:
TL-NET LTR Controller Specific:
The TL and TL-NET LTR and Conventional dispatch controllers are the smallest and
simplest LTR controllers on the market. Each controller is the size of a 3 X 5 card
and three can be placed side-by-side in a 1U chassis, saving valuable rack space.
Easily interfaces to any repeater on the market!