Product Specs

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MBC – WB01 Product Specifications
4 Copyright © 2018 METECA SA. All rights reserved.
3. Introduction
The MBC-WB01 SoM is part of Meteca’s MBC family of devices. It follows the MBC standard specification that allows
users to switch from one module to another (also with different MCU and/or functionalities) in a seamless fashion,
since all modules share same pinout and dimensions.
This compact and certified SoM is the ideal solution for designers that want a unique device with Wi-Fi & BT/BLE
connectivity plus a dedicated control MCU.
It features:
One ATSAMD21G18A ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU - best for control purposes (like motor and actuator control, sensor
acquisition, SERCOM interface etc.);
one ESP32-D0WD dual-core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 running @ 240MHz with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode
Bluetooth, perfect for connectivity and heavy computational tasks;
One CryptoAuth ECC608A chip - for securing cloud connections and the OTA/boot procedure;
One QSPI 64-Mbit or 128-Mbit flash - for storing both ESP32 firmware and user data.
Both the MCU’s are fully user accessible (both in programming and debugging) to allow a perfect
configuration/customization for each design. This feature gives the user the power to decide which of the two MCUs
should act as a master or a slave (or have a more “liquid” configuration) and what features each chip should
implement in order to achieve a perfect balance between power consumption, functionalities implemented and
overall performance.
The two MCUs share two high-speed communication interfaces (plus some synchronizing signals): one SPI and one
UART suitable for data exchange and firmware update.
Each chip has the capability of its own auto-update - or counterpart's firmware, allowing both in-board (through serial
or USB interfaces) and over-the-air (through Wi-Fi or BT interfaces) firmware upgrade mechanisms in a secured
environment thanks to the CyptoAuth chip supplied with the board.
Every MBC features a specific ID line that allows a carrier board to recognize the SoM characteristics (MCUs
mounted on the SoM, operating voltages, power consumptions, features enabled, etc.)
MBC-WB01 top
MBC-WB01 top with shielding can