Installation manual

Revision F • 3/12
2 Hardware Installation
using transformers, because of inher-
ent protocol differences between the
AES-3 and S/PDIF formats. Rane
Corp. has a well-written application
note (
which addresses AES/EBU and
S/PDIF signal interfacing.
A 44-pin D-Sub connector (
Remote I-O Logic
allows remote control and delay status indication
for the HDE-200. It’s typically wired to a
studio-mounted remote panel like the six-button
Harris Control Panel (Harris p/n PRE99-1212).
Remote I-O Logic
interface block diagram,
shown on page 2-8, is divided into three main sec-
tions: Diversity Delay; Profanity Delay; and Other
controls and tallies/status indicators. Each
section’s inputs and outputs are separately enabled
by jumpering pins on the panel to +5 VDC or Logic
Ground, for most applications.
All logic connections (see the signal summary
on this page) are opto-isolated through using opto-
couplers on the inputs and solid-state “dry-con-
tact relays” on the outputs.
To maintain complete isolation, do not use the
+5 VDC Logic Supply or the Logic Ground pins
when connecting the
Remote I-O Logic
to active peripheral devices. Power and ground
should be sourced from the peripheral device.
The +5 VDC Logic Supply and Logic Ground
connections are intended for use with a studio
remote control panel only.
56 ohm
110 ohm 200 ohm
56 ohm
HDE-200 Coax to the
XLR Output S/PDIF Device
Connecting an HDE-200 AES/EBU
Output to an S/PDIF Device
Logic Inputs
Each input section must be enabled by
jumpering its Enable pin to a + voltage source
like +5 VDC (logic signals from +5 to +40 volts
can be used). Logic inputs are activated by pull-
ing the input pin low.
When a studio remote panel is connected, the
enable pins are jumpered to +5 VDC Logic Sup-
ply pins. Likewise, the remote panel switches are
typically commoned on the panel, which is tied to
a Logic Ground pin in order to generate the low
logic. This is shown in the Using a Studio Remote
Panel with the HDE-200 illustration on page 2-9.
Logic Outputs
Each logic output section has its own Tally Com-
mon connection that can connect to either a + volt-
age or to ground, depending upon the application.
The logic outputs (tallies) typical drive LEDs
in a studio remote panel. One end of all of the
status LEDs on the studio panel are typically
commoned together to connect to the +5 VDC
1 Diversity Delay Tally Common
3 Profanity Delay Tally Common
5 Other Tally Common
7 Diversity Input Enable
9 Profanity Input Enable
11 Other Input Enable
16 Diversity Delay, Ramp Up Tally
17 Diversity Delay, Ramp Down Tally
18 Profanity Delay, Ramp Up Tally
19 Profanity Delay, Ramp Down Tally
20 Critical Fault Tally (other tally)
22 Diversity Delay, Ramp Up Switch
23 Diversity Delay, Ramp Down Switch
24 Profanity Delay, Ramp Up Switch
25 Profanity Delay, Ramp Down Switch
26 Warm Boot HDE-200 (other switch)
27 Spare input (other switch)
31 Diversity Delay, Ramp Complete Tally
33 Profanity Delay, Safe Tally
35 Ballpark Delay Tally (other tally)
39 Profanity Delay, Dump Switch
41 Ballpark Delay Switch (other switch)
Pin numbers on the chassis connector
Pins 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15: +5VDC Logic Supply
Pins 2, 4, 6, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37,
38, 40, 42, 43, 44: Logic Ground
Remote I-O Logic Signal Summary