Installation manual

Revision F • 3/11
3 Control Center Software
2. Move the USB flash drive from the HDE-
200 to a USB port on the computer running
the ECC app. Wait a moment for the USB
flash drive to be recognized by Windows.
3. Click
Address Configuration Util-
to open the Configuration Window.
4. Click
Load Config from USB...
to open a File
Selection window. Navigate to the folder with
the new HDE-200’s config file (e.g.,
E:\HDE200\00-50-C2-0E-0D-30). Click
to load the settings. The settings will be
changed to reflect the new HDE-200’s de-
fault settings.
5. The
Address Configuration Utility
shows the current settings for the new HDE-
200 (as selected in the
Select De-
browser window when the computer is
directly connected to the new HDE-200, or
by clicking the
Load Config From USB
ton in step 4).
The new HDE-200’s default settings should
be like those shown in the illustration on
this page. These settings are typically
changed to fit into the facility’s network.
• Set the CPU and DSP IP Addresses, Sub-
net Mask and Default Gateway Address, as
required, for your network. The CPU is the
9260 Linux board which is the signal pro-
cessor for the analog and profanity delays.
The DSP is the iBiquity HD Radio proces-
sor or Exgine board in the Exciter.
• If required, change the Logging Address
IP and Port, although these are normally
left set to their default settings.
• Set the Exciter IP address. Three trans-
mission methods may connect the HDE-200
to one or more Exciters, detailed in the Link
Configuration Details sidebar, shown on the
next page. The Port and Protocol are typi-
cally set to: 11000 and UDP, respectively.
• Enter a unique name for this HDE-200
and its site location. Typically the Device
Name includes call letters or other signal
identifier, while the Site Location could iden-
tify the city, if the HDE-200 is remotely ac-
cessed on the same subnet, or give its spe-
cific location (TOC, air studio, transmitter
shack, etc.).
6. Once all changes are made, click
Save New
When a USB flash drive was used
to move the configuration files to the ECC
app, a file selection window opens so the
USB flash drive can be select. Click
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
HDE-200 Configuration Window