Installation manual

Revision F • 3/11
3 Control Center Software
Backing up the New Configuration Files
When the direct connection method is used to
update the HDE-200 files, follow steps 1 and 2 in
order to write a MAC address-named folder from
the updated HDE-200 to the USB flash drive. Use
Windows Explorer to then backup that folder to
the admin computer.
When the USB flash drive method was used to
set the new configuration, move the USB drive
back to the admin computer to backup the MAC
address-named folder using Windows Explorer.
3.5 HDE-200 Configuration
With the newly updated HDE-200 shown in the
ECC app, the various operational settings (Diver-
sity Delay time, Profanity Delay time, activating
the Profanity Delay remote control, assigning GPS
options, assigning Blend options, etc.) can now be
edited as desired. This section also presents an
overview of each ECC menu item and their pop-
up window settings.
The File menu provide a means for an alternate
user (like an Engineer or Commissioner) to gain
immediate access to the ECC app, with elevated
privileges, by logging into the app to make changes
and then logging off. The current user then logs
back into the ECC app with their level of access.
As an example of how User Groups are used,
assume the current user is a Censor. This user
group can control Profanity Dump operations and
select which HDE-200 to view but not much else.
If an Engineer User needs to make an urgent ad-
justment of the HDE-200 settings, they simply log
in using the
pop-up window, the ECC
app is now running with their level of credentials.
When finished, the Engineer logs off the app, and
the original user logs back on, returning the per-
mission level back to Censor.
Device Menu
is used to change which
HDE-200 is currently communicating with that
ECC app. The currently connected HDE-200 is
shown in the title bar of the ECC window:
To change the current device, click
Select Device...
to open the
Exporter De-
vice Browser
window (shown on page 3-5), which
shows each HDE-200 Exporter connected to the
network. Double-click an HDE-200 Exporter
name to select it for monitoring (or editing with
an Engineer or Commissioner User).
Device Menu Items
Current HDE-200 Shown in ECC Window Title Bar
User Log On Dialog Box
File Menu Items