Installation manual

Revision F • 3/12
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To obtain the maximum benefit from the
HDE-200’s capabilities, read through
this chapter, and the
and the
chapters, prior to product installation.
1.1 Product Overview
The HDE-200 is a Program Exporter for HD
broadcasts. It allows a broadcaster to add
the necessary information to broadcast one or
more HD Radio
digital audio channels within their
existing analog FM broadcast spectrum. The HDE-
200 adds the signal encoding required by an HD
Radio Exciter. In addition, it encodes Program Ser-
vice Data (PSD), Advanced Application Services
(AAS) data, and secondary channel audio supplied
from an HD Radio Importer, like the Harris HDI-
100 or HDI-200 Program Importer.
The HDE-200 outputs an Ethernet data stream,
termed the E2X transport stream, to feed an HD
Exciter like the Harris HDX-100 Exciter.
The HDE-200 can be located in a studio or in a
terminal room—as opposed to having to be co-
located at the transmitter, as in earlier generations
of Exporters. Its Ethernet output can be set to use
UDP, TCP/IP, or Starlink MAC, making it fully
compatible with Digital STLs, DHCP-controlled
local area networks, and even the public Internet.
The HDE-200 is an
embedded exporter
, which
means that the iBiquity
HD Radio codec and
data encoding algorithms, and the required diver-
sity delay, are all processed within the unit. No
external PC is required for daily operation, as in
previous generations of Program Exporters.
This third-generation HD Radio Program Ex-
porter provides a powerful hardware/software
platform that offers improved reliability and ease-
of-use—at a significantly lower cost, over first and
second generation products. This is accomplished
by “embedding” a microcontroller within the Ex-
porter—eliminating the cost of an external Linux
x86 PC and its custom hardware features.
Incorporating the control architecture within the
HDE-200 allows the diversity delay to remain
intact—even if a microcontroller reboot is
required, something no previous design could do.
1.1.1 HDE-200 FEATURES
The HDE-200, once configured for your appli-
cation, has just a few local controls (the front panel
has seven control buttons plus indicator LEDs,
two 10-Character displays, and a headphone jack
for confidence monitoring). Setup and other moni-
toring and control functions are done by using
the supplied HDE-200 Exporter Control Center
software (ECC app).
The hardware controls on the front panel do
allow the incoming or output audio to be moni-
tored via a level meter and front panel headphone
jack. Three buttons (Delay Select, Ramp Up, Ramp
Product Overview