User's Manual

Annex A: List of Abbreviations
Reference Guide: CT6020HD Page A-1
March 09
List of Abbreviations
The following specific abbreviations are used within this document:
4:2:0 Digital video coding method in which the color difference
signals are sampled on alternate lines at half the luminance
4:2:2 Digital video coding method in which the color difference
signals are sampled on all lines at half the luminance rate.
COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
(digital modulation procedure)
Composite CVBS video signal, 1 V
CVBS Color Video Black Sync Signal
D-ENG Digital Electronic News Gathering
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ETS European Telecommunications Standard
FBAS German for CVBS
FEC Forward Error Correction
FM Frequency Modulation (analog modulation procedure)
IF Intermediate Frequency
IEC International Electro-technical Committee
ISO International Standards Organisation
kbit/s 1000 bits per second
Mbit/s Million bits per second.
MP@ML Main Profile at Main Level: A subset of the MPEG-2 standard,
which supports digital video storage (DVD etc.) and
transmissions up to 15 Mbit/s over various mediums.
MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group (compression technique)
NTSC National Television Systems Committee
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation: A method of modulating
digital signals
QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying (digital modulation technique)
PAL Phase Alternation Line (a color TV broadcasting system)
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
RF Radio Frequency
RGB Red, green, blue. The chroma information in a video signal.