Installation Instructions

TAA-101/TAA-101S Antenna Actuator Manual | Doc. No. 605169301 Rev. M
Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc. 30
Follow all procedures precisely to ensure initialization and operation.
The TAA-101 and TAA-101S deployment is for IN-FLIGHT operation ONLY.
The Antenna needs to be properly STOWED (retracted) prior to take-off and
Deploy the antenna by pulling the Actuator Control Switch out and putting it in DOWN position. It takes
the antenna about 15 seconds to deploy. The yellow light will indicate when the antenna is fully deployed.
No lights will indicate when the actuator is between deployed and stowed.
A forward velocity in excess of 140 knots may cause the actuator to stall.
Do not exceed 145 knots forward speed with antenna deployed.
Stow the actuator by pulling the Actuator Control Switch out and putting it in the UP position. It takes
about 15 seconds to stow. The green light will indicate when the antenna is properly stowed. No lights will
indicate when the actuator is between deployed and stowed.