
WVRC-4 Installation and Operation Manual
When the WVRC-4 is called, it will answer on the number of rings programmed.
When it answers, enter the default security code 123 for this example. The access
LED will illuminate once a valid security code is entered, and the “Access Accepted”
Message will play. After a valid access code is received, the addressed unit will gen-
erate a DTMF “AB” which will cause any other units in parallel to hang up.
NOTE: Multiple WVRC-4’s may be daisy-chained to allow for channel
expansion. Use an unique access code for each additional WVRC-4.
Raise and Lower Relays are controlled with single digits 1-4 followed by * for
Lower or # for Raise. Once a single channel number has been entered, you can now
enter * or # to operate that channel until a new channel number has been entered.
The analog value for the selected channel will play each time a number between 1
and 4 is entered as long as DIP3 is OFF.
Example: Enter 1 – analog value 1 will play - * - The number 1 Lower relay will
be held on as long as “*” received, # - Raise relay held on as long as “#” received.
If DIP3 is OFF, the associated relay message plus “raise” or “lower” will be played
after the * or # is released. To find out the new analog values just press 1 again and
it will speak the new value.
Audio I/O functions are controlled with the following codes, once the security code
has been entered:
07 – Silence sensor monitor audio to telco ON
08 – Silence sensor monitor audio to telco OFF
NOTE: The silent sensor audio will be turned off when the WVRC-4 hangs up.
The Status inputs, Analog (metering) inputs, silence sensor and power fail inputs can
be polled.
Polling Silence Sensor Alarm: 910
Polling Status inputs: 911 - polls status input 1, 912 - polls status input 2 ….
914 polls input 4.
NOTE: When polling status inputs, the actual alarm state is returned, regard-
less of the input being high or low. So if the input is set as Normally Closed,
and it is Open when polled, it will say “Input x is “ON”.
Polling Power Failure: 919
Manual Hang-up: 920 will cause the WVRC-4 to hang up.
Polling Analog (metering) inputs:
921 - polls analog input 1, 922 - polls analog input 2 ….. 924 polls analog input 4.
Polling temperature: 929