
WVRC-4 Installation and Operation Manual
ON Alert Enables alerts when this status item changes from OFF to
ON Email Recipients Specifies which e-mail recipients receive the ON alert
OFF Alert Enables alerts when this status item changes from ON to
OFF Email Recipients Specifies which e-mail recipients receive the OFF alert.
OK Save the settings and exit.
Cancel Exit without saving settings.
NOTE: The LED will flash for any status channel in an alarm condition and will
cause the PC to beep, if enabled.
Virtual Channel Setup Dialog
The WVRC-4 lets you define up to four “virtual” channels. These are similar to ana-
log channels, but their values are derived from the product of two real analog chan-
nels and a constant.
Label Changes the label associated with any of the virtual channels.
Units Changes the engineering units label of any virtual channel.
Analog 1 Selects the first of two analog channels used in the calculation.
Analog 2 Selects the second of two analog channels used in the calculation.
Constant Specifies the constant used in the calculation.
OK Saves the settings and exits.
Cancel Exits without saving settings.
Example: Assume analog channel 1 shows voltage in volts and analog channel 2
shows current in amps and an efficiently factor of 72%. You would define a virtual
channel showing indirect power in Watts by setting Label=Indirect Power,
Units=”Watts”, Analog 1=Voltage, Analog 2=Current, Constant=0.72