
WVRC-4 Installation and Operation Manual
Front panel indicators, controls and connectors
Name Type Description
K1 - K4 Raise LED Illuminates when corresponding raise relays are activated.
K1 - K4 Lower LED Illuminates when corresponding lower relays are activated.
Status 1 - 4 LED Illuminates when corresponding status inputs are activated.
NOTE: Counting from the top (1) down to the bottom (4).
TX LED Flashes during server/control processor data exchange.
RX LED Flashes during server/control processor data exchange.
REC LED Illuminated when in voice record mode.
RING LED Illuminated when a telco call is being received.
ACS LED Illuminated when a valid ACCESS code is entered.
HK LED Illuminated when the unit is off-HOOK.
DV LED Illuminated when a valid DTMF tone is detected.
ALM LED Illuminated when unit is in an alarm condition.
PWR LED Illuminated when valid power is applied to the power jack.
PGM LED Illuminated when the unit is in programming mode.
SS LED Illuminated when adequate audio is applied to the SS input, OFF
when the level is to low and flashing if in an SS alarm condition,
if enabled.
PF LED Illuminated with no power applied, OFF when adequate
DCvoltage is applied to the PF jack and flashing if a Power
Failure has been detected, if enabled.
OP/PGM Push Button Toggles between operate and programming (local) mode.
SS Mon Control Sets the silence sensor audio sent to the phone line, when
SS Sense Control Sets the audio trip point of the silence sensor
PGM Fem DB-9 RS-232 host PC programming port.
VOICE PGM RJ11 Voice record TT phone port, user provided TT telephone
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