
e-mail: support@broadcasttools.com voice: 360.854.9559 fax: 866.783.1742
SRC-4 Installation and Operation Manual
Surge Protection
The SRC-4 has built-in resistance to voltage changes; we recommend that you use a power
surge protector or line conditioner on the incoming AC line. Lightning strikes and/or other
high voltage surges may damage your SRC-4 and connected equipment if it is not properly
protected. For lightning protection devices, check out www.polyphaser.com and www.itwl-
UPS Standby Power System
We recommend that you connect your SRC-4 to a UPS system. A UPS helps minimize the
risk to the SRC-4 and provides power during a power outage.
LED indicators
• “PWR” LED: Blinks to indicate normal operation. (Green)
• “STATUS” LEDs 1-4: Lit when the associated input is active. (Yellow)
• “RELAYS” LEDs 1-4: Lit when the associated relay is active. (Red)
2.1mm coaxial DC power jack, 7.5 - 12 VDC, center positive.
Status/Logic Inputs
The SRC-4 has four opto-isolated status/logic inputs. Each input is configured at the facto-
ry to accept a dry contact closure; we call this the DRY configuration. To use one of the
SRC-4’s status inputs with dry contacts wire the contacts to input channels Ax and Bx
(where x is the status/logic input channels number, 1 thru 4) terminals. A closure between
an input’s A and B terminals will cause the input to go HIGH (turn on.) The four yellow
LEDs on the front panel indicate which inputs are active.
Each input has a four-position configuration header and two jumpers. You can refer to the
jumper layout in the appendix for a detailed view. Each jumper is labeled (JPx, where x is
the status/logic input) and the header pins 1,2,3,4 are used to configure for WET or DRY
operation. The factory default is DRY (Switch, relay contact, open collector) with jumpers
between 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. In the DRY configuration, the “A” terminal is ground while the
“B” terminal is the cathode of the opto-isolator diode (pulled up to 5 volts through a 2.2K
If an output that you are interfacing with the SRC-4 provides its own voltage then you will
need to configure the corresponding input for the WET (floating) configuration. In the WET
configuration the SRC-4’s opto-isolated inputs can be triggered by an input voltage from 5
VDC up to 24 VDC. To change a status/logic input to WET (floating), remove both jumpers
for the input’s configuration header (labeled JPx) and place ONE jumper over pins 2 & 3.
You may then connect the positive voltage to the input’s “A” terminal (anode) and ground
or minus voltage to the input’s “B” terminal (cathode).
(Top Row, TB1)
A1 B1 GND A2 B2
A3 B3 CGND A4 B4
(Bottom Row, TB1)
Please refer to the
appendix for configura-
tion examples and
observe proper polarity.