User`s guide

94 Chapter 7: Configuration
allow_combination: When sending a trigger to the cockpit, the
allow_combination specifies if for instance GPI 3, should be sent as GPI 1, and
GPI 2.
Import Sequence
Settings for enabling import of playlists from file (advanced).
enabled: If set to Y it will enable the menu Playlists.
default_file: Sets the default file to import.
font: Sets the application’s template and data list font. By default this setting
will be set using the operating system font; however, in many cases other
fonts, such as Arial Unicode MS, are used for language localization purposes
(for example Arabic, Hebrew or Cyrillic).
Note: The font setting does not affect the Newsroom Component which has its font
settings configured in the registry.
This section specifies a set of file and folder paths that VCP needs to know about.
picture: Defines the picture archive path.
production: The directory where the images for today's production are placed
- excluding the date.
autosave: The directory where automatically saved template records are
tmpbmp: The directory where temporary bitmaps are stored.
scene_node: Specify a node that should automatically be selected when
viewing the scene tree from Viz Engine in VCP.
image_node: Specify an image that should automatically be selected when
viewing images from Viz Engine in VCP.
object_node: Specify an object that should automatically be selected when
viewing objects from Viz Engine in VCP.
sounds: The directory where WAV files are initially looked for.
shared: The directory where the shared image disk is mounted on the Unix
system. Used for specifying the Unix path to the shared image server. For
instance on windows the drive is often mapped as K:\ but on a Unix system it
would be \shared\images.
fileopen: Sets the default folder when opening image files.
tmpbmp: Sets the folder for saving temporary bitmap files.
These settings have to do with the general behavior of VCP.
restrict_characters: Restrict characters when saving data.
legal_characters: The characters that will be permitted in the names of saved
data if "restrict_characters=Y". If this value is empty then there is no
restriction on the data name regardless of the "restrict_characters" setting.
liveupdate_timer: The time in milliseconds between each time a template's
Live Update event-handler is called. (If the template has Live Update.)