User`s guide

114 Chapter 8: Main Menu
Figure 36: Playlist general settings
Confirm before item is deleted- If enabled, the user must confirm that the
delete operation should be carried through.
Loop playlist: Loops all the elements in the playlist.
Preview templates automatically: Opens the selected element in the playlist
Play sound when MOS playlist goes inactive: Plays a sound whenever the
newsroom (MOS) playlist goes inactive.
Allow only one open playlist: Makes sure that only one playlist can be open at
a time. When opening a playlist, other open playlists will be closed.
Image bar navigation: Selects the corresponding element in the playlist when a
thumbnail on the Image bar has been selected.
Fade non-selected images: Fades all images, except for the selected
Image bar on top: Shows the Image bar at the top of the playlist.
Cursor position: When the playlist’s cursor is active (see playlist Context
Menu), it decides where in the window the cursor stays in the situations
described above. The position can be adjusted by moving the slider control.