User`s guide

128 Chapter 8: Main Menu
8.4.8 Import
Figure 48: Import playlist
In the Import window, playlists (includes templates, concepts, scripts and
transition logic scenes) and scenes can be imported from file. Playlists and
templates are exported as an XML file, and scenes as a Viz archive.
Import of playlists and scenes must, unless a shared import folder is given, be
imported from different machines. For more information see the Export section
and Example paths and archives.
Note: The network drive mappings that are used for the templates must be the same
in the import environment as in the export environment. Also, as some template
elements use file paths to access resources, the resources (such as images etc.)
must be accessible in the import environment.
Select Viz Content Pilot Import Filename: Sets the name and path of the
content (XML) file that should be imported. Either type the filename directly in
the text box, or click the Open button to browse for available files.
Select Viz Engine Archive Filename: Sets the name and path of the graphics
(EVA) file that should be imported.
Note: If the Viz Engine archive has the same name and is located in the same folder
as the Viz Content Pilot import file, the name and path of the archive will
automatically appear in the Select Viz Engine Archive Filename text box.
Irix Mountpoint (i.e. /Shared): Only For Import To Viz Engine On Irix: If Irix is
running, type the Irix mountpoint. This is only for Viz 2.x users.
Preserve Data Element IDs: Preserves the data elements IDs. This will overwrite
any other data element with the same IDs.
This section contains information on the following topics:
Context Menu