User`s guide

178 Chapter 11: Playlist Window
Effect Image: Displays an image of the transition effect scene.
Layer: Allows loading of graphics in separate layers on Viz Engine (front,
middle, back). For example, a lower third can be shown in front of a virtual
studio set or any other background, or a bug can be shown in the front layer
while a lower third is shown in the middle layer. This column is presented by
Loaded: Shows the loaded status (in memory) of the scene and images used
for a data element of that scene.
Template: Shows the name of the template. This column is presented by
Variant: Select a concept’s variant from the drop-list (see the Concept
Video: Displays the video options.
Figure 81: Video transfer, Playlist.
Mark In: Sets mark in times for video clips.
Mark Out: Sets mark out times for video clips.
Postroll: Sets postroll for video clips. When a video clip is played, the time
and remaining time are shown in the TC Monitor. The remaining time; zero
at clip-end if postroll is set to 0. Normally it is desirable with a few seconds
of postroll so that the vision mixer can cut to another source without risking
displaying a freeze frame. With a postroll of 3, the countdown/remaining
time will be zero 3 seconds before clip end and count from zero and
downwards for three seconds.
Available: Displays the status of external resources needed by the Viz
Engine (e.g. transferred video, and if it is avaiable on the video playout
engines). This column was previously named Progress.
Index: Sets an index number for each row in the playlist. This number will
always be sorted either ascending (lowest to highest). If a row is moved or
deleted the index changes accordingly.
Auto Width: When enabled (selected), Auto Width expands the columns and
distributes them evenly.
To enable transition effects
1. Configure a program channel that has a Viz in On-air mode.
2. Make sure the scene effects folder in Viz is named transitions and placed at
the root level of the scene directory.
To add a transition effect
1. Right-click the playlist’s column headers, and from the appearing context
menu select Graphics, and then Effect and Effect Icon (last is only for visual