User`s guide

10 Chapter 3: Requirements
content for broadcast, virtual sets, and visualization in less time and with greater
creative freedom.
The Viz Artist design machine should preferably have the same specifications as
Viz Engine playout renderers, especially if the designers need to test
performance issues on demanding scenes.
If designers are creating templates for Viz Content Pilot (VCP), it is recommended
that VCP is installed on a separate machine for more accurate playout emulation
on Viz Engine.
3.3.3 Viz Content Pilot
Viz Content Pilot (VCP) is built on a client-server software model where the VCP
client connects to the
Viz Content Pilot Database (Oracle database server) for
templates and content, and the Media Sequencer for playout.
VCP requires an Oracle database as the back-end server.
VCP requires a Media Sequencer for communication with Viz Engine and other
VCP 5.5 requires Media Sequencer version 1.21 or later.
On the server side, the database serves all clients storing and retrieving content
data for the control, delivery and triggering of graphics rendered on the graphics
renderer Viz Engine.
Table 2: Viz Artist specifications
Software Viz Engine 3.5.1 or later, or
Viz Engine 2.8 PL5 HotFix3
Viz World Client 12.0 or later (see Vizrt Maps)
Viz DataPool 2.10 or later
Extra Viz 2 plug-ins (for Viz 2.x)
: ArdFtp and ArdFSMon are used for the Viz One
integration. Installers are bundled with Viz One.
Viz Content Pilot with Viz Template Wizard,
Media Sequencer, Viz Multiplexer and Thumbnail
: Viz Engine 2.8 is not compatible with Viz One.
Executable(s) viz.exe
Ports and
TCP: 6100 (preview and playout)
14300 (Viz Multiplexer)
50007-50009 (multiplexing).
Local drive access Read and write access to C:\Program Files\vizrt\viz\
Network access Mapped drive to VOS still store folder and Viz Engine
data root (see Shared Data)
Operating system Windows XP SP2/SP3 (32-bit) and Windows 7 (64-bit)