User`s guide

Chapter 4: Storage and Backup Recommendations 29
Generally it is recommended to do regular show exports in order to preserve the
show if something is corrupt. A show export is performed using Viz Trio to create
an archive of the show, its graphics templates, pages, settings and so on. For
more information, see Viz Trio’s user guide on show export and import and the
available options. For graphics export or archiving, see Viz Artist’s user guide.
It is also recommended to backup, at regular intervals, the Media Sequencer’s
file as it stores a lot of the data used by Viz Trio and other control
applications, except graphics data and external files, such as file scripts. This
enables the system to be restored to a previous state. If the system must be reset
entirely, a new default.xml file will be created. The latter requires that the Media
Sequencer is shut down, the default.xml file deleted or removed, and the Media
Sequencer restarted. This also requires that all configurations, shows with
graphics and script references are setup.
If Viz Trio is used in combination with Viz Content Pilot, see the Viz Content Pilot
User’s Guide for further information on use of VCP’s database and still store.