User`s guide

84 Chapter 7: Configuration
ax_use_custom_gui_dlg Enables (1) the Viz World Map Editor (WME)
to be embedded within the Newsroom
Component’s user interface. This parameter
is by default not set in the database.
delete_data_from_activex If set to Y (yes) it will enable the user to
delete data elements using the Newsroom
Component. Default is Y.
shared_curious_server Sets the hostname or IP address of the Viz
World Server. It is not configured when set
. See also the VCP client’s Viz
World Server preferences.
spellcheck_dict_filename Sets the filename for the dictionary and
affixation for the spell check option. Default
is en_US.
spellcheck_dict_path Sets the path to the dictionary files. Use a
full path, mapped drive or UNC path if the
files are not located under its default
location. If it is located under its default
location, it should be set to
Videohub_mbHost Sets the hostname or IP address for Viz
Video Hub for the message bus protocol.
Videohub_soapHost Sets the hostname or IP address for Viz
Video Hub for the SOAP protocol.
Videohub_viz_video_suffix Sets the video suffix for video files
transferred from Viz Video Hub to Viz
Engine. Default is .
Videohub_soapPort Sets the port number used by clients
connecting to Viz Video Hub using SOAP.
Default is
Videohub_mbPort Sets the port number used by clients
connecting to Viz Video Hub using message
bus. Default is
Videohub_ConnectionTimeout Sets the time in milliseconds before the
Media Sequencer or VOS stops its
connection requests to Viz Video Hub.
Default is 10000.
Videohub_username Sets the username used by the Media
Sequencer when creating playlists with
video clips and stills from Viz Video Hub.
Default is
Table 23: VCP Database Parameters
Name Description