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Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2011 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5988-3325EN
AV02-2550EN - January 27, 2011
Color Categories
Color Bin
Dominant Wavelength (nm)
Min. Max.
Yellow 1 581.50 585.00
3 584.00 587.50
2 586.50 590.00
4 589.00 592.50
Green 2 573.00 577.00
3 570.00 574.00
4 567.00 571.00
5 564.00 568.00
All categories are established for classication of products. Products
may not be available in all categories. Please contact your Avago
representatives for further clarication/information.
Contrast Enhancement
For information on contrast enhancement, please see
Application Note 1015.
For information on soldering LEDs, please refer to Appli-
cation Note 1027.