Technical data

Navigate to Main Menu > Software > Software Inventory.
3. PM&C GUI: Select Servers
Select the servers you want to upgrade. If you want to perform an upgrade on more than one server,
you may select multiple servers by individually clicking multiple rows. Selected rows will be
highlighted in green.
Press the Upgrade button.
Note: Until the target servers are fully discovered by PM&C, the user will be unable to start an
application install or upgrade on the servers (this may take up to 15 minutes after the OS Installs
complete). A server that has not yet been discovered is represented by an empty row on the Software
Inventory page (no IP address, hostname, plat name, plat version, etc. is displayed).
4. PM&C GUI: Select Image
The left side of the screen displays the servers to be upgraded. From the list of upgrade images on
the right side of the screen, select the image to install on the selected servers.
909-2209-001 Revision G, February 2014
3 Procedures