Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

468 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
Data structures
This structure is the high-level description of CSW keealive server packet counters information.
This structure is the high-level description of CSW keepalive server session counters information.
This structure is the high-level description of CSW keepalive server TCB counters information.
TABLE 341 Attributes
Name Type Presence Rules Description
numFinPacketsReceived unsignedInt Optional Number of fin packets
notInWaitQueue unsignedInt Optional Not in wait queue
TABLE 342 Attributes
Name Type Presence Rules Description
rsts unsignedInt Optional RSTs
invalidData unsignedInt Optional Invalid data
invalidSyn unsignedInt Optional Invalid synchronization
fin unsignedInt Optional fin
retransmitPackets unsignedInt Optional Retransmit packets
probingAcks unsignedInt Optional Probing Acknowledgements
TABLE 343 Attributes
Name Type Presence Rules Description
totalInMemory unsignedInt Optional Total in memory
allocatedMemory unsignedInt Optional Allocated memory
allocatedFromPool unsignedInt Optional Allocated from pool
allocatedFromFSPool unsignedInt Optional Allocated from FS pool
freedToFSMemory unsignedInt Optional Freed to FS memory
cleanReusables unsignedInt Optional Clean reusables
nonReusableInMemory unsignedInt Optional Non reusable in memory
currentInPool unsignedInt Optional Current in pool
freedInMemory unsignedInt Optional Freed in memory
freedToPool unsignedInt Optional Freed to pool
freedToFSPool unsignedInt Optional Freed to FS pool
cleanNonReusables unsignedInt Optional Clean non reusables
cleanInWrongState unsignedInt Optional Clean in wrong state
rateExceededToMemory unsignedInt Optional Rate exceeded to memory