Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

520 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
Data structures
This structure is the high-level description of any virtual server monitoring information.
This structure is the high-level description of any virtual server port configuration.
TABLE 478 Attributes
Name Type Presence Rules Description
virtualServer Server Optional Virtual server
virtualServerConnStats VirtualServerConnStats Optional Virtual server connection
virtualServerConfig VirtualServerConfiguration Optional Virtual server configuration
TABLE 479 Attributes
Name Type Presence Rules Description
virtualServer Server Optional Virtual server to which this port
Port L4Port Optional Virtual server port.
adminState twoWayToggleEnum Optional The administrative state of the
virtual server, which can be one of
the following:
enableSticky boolean Optional Designates the virtual server port
to be sticky.
enableDsr boolean Optional Enables Direct Server Return
(DSR) on the virtual server port.
isConcurrent boolean Optional The port is configured for
concurrent connections.
enableClientSubnetSticky boolean Optional Enables a sticky session based on
the client subnet.
NOTE: If enabled,
or clientSubnetStickyMask will be
clientSubnetStickyPrefixLen unsignedInt Optional The sticky sessions are allowed
for the specified prefix length.
clientSubnetStickyMask string Optional The client subnet sticky mask.
dsrNoFastDelete boolean Optional Enables the DSR fast delete.
enableGroupSticky boolean Optional Indicates whether or not the group
sticky is enabled.
enableGroupStickyFailover boolean Optional Enables the group sticky failover.
When an entire server group is
unreachable, group sticky failover
sends connections to a different
reachable group.