Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

760 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
List of Error Messages
NET_VLAN_ROUTER_INT_CONFIG_FAILED The route interface cannot be configured. No physical
interfaces can be added to VLAN %d Please add physical
interfaces to the VLAN and try again.
NET_VLAN_ROUTER_INT_IN_USE The specified router interface %d has been configured on
another VLAN. Please specify a different router interface.
NET_VLAN_ROUTER_INT_INVALID The specified Router interface %d is invalid. Please
specify a valid value in the range of 1 to %d.
NET_VLAN_SINGLE_STP_RESERVED The specified VLAN ID %d is reserved for a single STP
VLAN. Please specify a different VLAN ID.
NET_VLAN_TRUNK_DUAL_PORTS The specified port(s) "%s" are dual mode port(s). Please
specify different ports
The specified trunk port "%s" is not a member of the
default VLAN. Please specify a different trunk port.
NET_VRID_CONFIG_FAILED The VRID configuration failed. The router type cannot be
an owner in VRRP-E and VRRP-E-IPv6.
NET_VRID_SET_FAILED VRID %u is already used by another VRRP interface in
same CAM space. Remove this conflicting VRID %u and
recreate it using another VRID.
NET_VRRP_ADX_REACHED_MAX_VRID The VRID configuration failed. The maximum number of
VRIDs %d has been reached in the Brocade Virtual ADX
The VRID configuration has failed. The maximum of %s
routers %u for this interface has been exceeded.
NET_VRRP_DEACTIVATE_VIRTUAL_ROUTER The VRRP configuration Failed. Please deactivate this
virtual router for VRID %u and try again.
NET_VRRP_EXCEED_MAX_VIRTUAL_IP_CONFIG The Virtual IP address configuration failed. The maximum
IP address limit %u is exceeded.
The VRRP or VRRP-E is not supported on Loopback or
Management interface. Please specify a valid Ethernet or
Virtual Interface.
NET_VRRP_INVALID_INTERVAL The %s Interval value is invalid. Please specify a %s
Interval value in the range of %d to %d.
NET_VRRP_INVALID_PRIORITY The %s priority value is invalid. Please specify a %s
priority value in the range of %d to %d.
NET_VRRP_INVALID_TRACK_PORT_CONFIGURATION The group virtual port cannot be configured as track port.
Please specify valid Ethernet or Virtual interface port.
The Virtual or Group virtual port cannot be configured as
track trunk port. Please specify valid Ethernet port.
NET_VRRP_INVALID_VRID The VRID value is invalid or does not exist. Please specify
a VRID value in the range of 1 to 255.
NET_VRRP_IP_SETTING_FAILED The VRRP IP Address setting failed. An IP address %I in
the same subnet is not defined in this interface. Please
specify a valid IP Address.
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message