Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

768 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
List of Error Messages
SLB_CSW_INVALID_CONFIG_RULE_ALREADY_BOUND The specified CSW Rule "%s" is already bound to the
policy. Please specify another CSW Rule to bind to the
SLB_CSW_INVALID_COOKIE_CONFIG The cookie-name can only be specified with the group ID.
Please specify the cookie-name with a group ID. The group
ID value must be in the range of 0 to 1024.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_COOKIE_PATH The configuration failed due to an invalid cookie path.
The cookie path should always start with "/" and the
Maximum cookie path size is 255.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_HASH_PERSIST_ACTION Hash-persist is valid only for a forward action. Please
specify a valid Hash-persist for a forward action.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_HASH_PERSIST_ACTION_L7_TCS Hash-persist is only for Layer 7 TCS. Please specify valid
Hash-persist for Layer 7 TCS.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_PERSIST_ACTION "%s" is a HTTP rewrite rule. HTTP rewrite does not support
a response rewrite. Please specify a non-HTTP rewrite
SLB_CSW_INVALID_PROPERTYLIST_NAME_DEPTH The value of the property list name 'DEPTH' is invalid.
Please specify a valid property list name in the range of
%d to %d.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_PROPERTYLIST_NAME_OFFSET The property list name 'OFFSET' or value is invalid. Please
specify a valid property list name in the range of %d to %d.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_RESPONSE_ACTION_TYPE The rule action list name is missing or invalid. Please
specify a Response Rule action such as
The Header name value is too long. Maximum string size
for HEADER_NAME is 126.
SLB_CSW_INVALID_REWRITE_ACTION The response rewrite is not supported by the HTTP rewrite.
Please specify a non-HTTP rewrite rule for the policy "%s".
The number of session IDs to a real servers is out of
range. Please specify a value in the range of 8192 to
64000. On a Brocade Virtual ADX Chassis device, the
range is from 8192 to 2560000.
SLB_CSW_MISSING_ACTION_RULE The action for the specified rule "%s" is missing. Please
specify an action for the specified rule.
SLB_CSW_MISSING_CERTIFICATE_INSERTION The CSW certificate insertion is missing. Please define
the CSW certificate insertion.
The property list name or value is missing or invalid.
Please specify the parameters: COOKIE_NAME (Maximum
of 80 characters), COOKIE_DOMAIN (Maximum of 80
characters), COOKIE_PATH (Maximum of 255 characters)
and COOKIE_AGE with the valid values.
SLB_CSW_MISSING_LOG_FORMAT The log action is missing the log format details. Please
specify the log format as $SIP or $DIP or $SPT or $DPT or
$HST or $URL or $RUL or $ACT or $CNT.
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message