Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

774 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
List of Error Messages
SLB_FAIL_CSW_RULE_UPDATE_RULE_IS_IN_USE The specified rule "%s" is in use. Please unbind the rule
before updating the CSW Request Rule.
The specified CSW rule "%s" is identical to the rule being
defined. Please specify different values for the new rule
to be created.
The maximum number of DNS rule-actions limit of %d is
reached. Cannot bind any more rules or create default
actions under policy.
The maximum CSW Policy limit of %d is reached. Please
remove the existing policies before creating a new CSW
SLB_FAIL_TO_CREATE_MAX_RULE_COUNT_REACHED The maximum CSW rule limit of %d is reached. Please
remove the existing rules before creating a new CSW rule.
SLB_FILENAME_FORMAT_ERROR The specified filename "%s" is not in the correct format.
Please specify the filename in the DOS (8 dot 3) format.
SLB_GROUP_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS The specified group ID pair %d-%d for the port %d under
the Real Server "%s" already exists. Please specify a
unique group ID pair.
SLB_GROUP_ID_MAX_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified group ID maximum value %d is out of range.
Please specify a valid value in the range of %d to %d.
SLB_GROUP_ID_MAX_PAIRS_EXCEEDED The system has exceeded the maximum limit. The group
ID pair %d-%d cannot be configured. There is already a
maximum of 4 group ID pairs configured.
SLB_GROUP_ID_MAX_PAIRS_SUPPORTED The specified number of group ID pairs has exceeded the
maximum pairs supported. Please specify a maximum of
4 group ID pairs.
SLB_GROUP_ID_MIN_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified group ID minimum value %d is out of range.
Please specify a valid value in the range of %d to %d.
Both the protocol and port cannot be well known ports.
Please specify only well-known ports. Well known protocol
can be configured only on custom ports.
SLB_HEALTH_CHECK_BIND_FAIL You cannot bind a policy without configuring the protocol
first. Please configure the protocol before binding the
SLB_HEALTH_CHECK_BIND_FAIL_MISMATCH The policy cannot be bound to the port because of a
protocol mismatch. Please bind the policy with same
protocol type.
SLB_HEALTH_CHECK_BOUND_SERVER_PORT The server port already has a health check element
bound to it. Please unbind the health check element
before setting the element or Boolean health check to the
SLB_HEALTH_CHECK_INVALID_CONTENT_CHECK The content-check setting failed. The content-check is
supported only for TCP element health checks.
The content-check name for the health check port is
missing. Please specify the content-check name.
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message