Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide 787
List of Error Messages
SLB_RSG_GROUP_CTX_MISMATCH The Group:"%s" does not belong to this context. Please try
with a valid context.
SLB_RSG_GROUP_EXIST The Group "%s" already exists. Please try with another
SLB_RSG_GROUP_NOT_FOUND The Real Server group "%s" is not found. Please try with
valid Real Server group name
SLB_RSG_GRP_ADD_FAILED Addition of Real Server group "%s" failed. Please try again
SLB_RSG_GRP_DEL_FAILED Deletion of Real Server group "%s" failed. Please try again
SLB_RSG_MAX_NAME_LEN The group name is too long. Please try a group name with
less than 32 characters.
SLB_RSG_MISSING_GROUP_PARAM The mandatory parameter group is missing. Please
specify a valid group name.
SLB_RSG_MISSING_GROUP_PARAM_INDEX Missing group name for index %d. Provide the group
name for the index
SLB_RSG_MISSING_GRP_PARAM The group parameter is missing. Please try with a group
name and port
SLB_RSG_MISSING_GRP_PORT The group port parameter is missing. Please try with a
group name.
SLB_RSG_MISSING_RS_PARAM The Real Server parameter is missing. Please try with a
Real Server name.
SLB_RSG_MISSING_VS_NAME The Virtual Server name is missing. Please try with a
Virtual Server name
SLB_RSG_MISSING_VS_PARAM The Virtual Server parameters are missing. Please try
with a Virtual Server name and port
SLB_RSG_MISSING_VS_PORT The Virtual Server Port is missing. Please try with a Virtual
Server Port
SLB_RSG_NO_VPORT The Virtual Server:"%s" and Port:%d is not configured.
Please specify an existing Virtual Server and port.
SLB_RSG_NOT_REMOTE_REAL The specified server "%s" is not remote or real. Only real or
remote servers can be added to group
SLB_RSG_REACHED_MAX_LIMIT The maximum limit of %d has been reached
SLB_RSG_RS_ADD_FAILED Addition of Real Server: "%s" to group: "%s" failed. Please
try again later.
SLB_RSG_RS_CONFIG_MISMATCH The Real Server "%s" ports does not match with other
members of group. Please ensure that the Real Servers
ports configurations are same
SLB_RSG_RS_CTX_MISMATCH The Real Server:"%s" does not belong to this context.
Please try with valid context.
SLB_RSG_RS_DEL_FAILED The deletion of the Real Server: "%s" from group: "%s"
failed. Please try again later.
SLB_RSG_RS_EXIST The Real Server "%s" is already member of group "%s"
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message