Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

794 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
List of Error Messages
SLB_VIP_RHI_NOT_ENABLED VIP RHI is not enabled for VIP %I. To enable inject-always,
the VIP RHI must be configured.
SLB_VS_CTX_MISMATCH The Virtual Server:"%s" does not belong to context "%s"
Please specify the context in which Virtual Server belongs.
SLB_VS_ENABLE_FALLBACK_FAILED Enable Fallback on port "%s" has failed. To enable
fallback, the next hop IP address must be configured.
SLB_VS_HOST_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified host range value is out of range. Please
specify a valid value in the range of %d to %d.
SLB_VS_INVALID_MASK_LENGTH The specified mask length %d must be longer than the
interface owning the VIP. Please specify the valid subnet
mask length.
SLB_VS_STICKY_AGE_MULTIPLIER_OUT_OF_RANGE The sticky age multiplier value is out of range. Please
specify a valid sticky age multiplier value in the range of
%d to %d.
SLB_VS_TOS_MARKING_OUT_OF_RANGE The TOS marking value is out of range. Please specify a
valid TOS marking value in the range of %d to %d.
The specified IPv6 Virtual Server %s(%I) and IPv4 Real
Server %s(%I) belong to different address families. Please
specify a Virtual Server and Real Server which are of the
same address family.
SLB_VSRVR_DOESNT_EXIST The specified Virtual Server name "%s" does not exist.
Please specify a different server or create a new server.
SLB_VSRVR_NAME_IP_MISMATCH There is a mismatch between the Virtual Server name
"%s" and the IP address "%s". Please specify a valid
server name and matching IP address.
SLB_VSRVR_PORT_TCP_MSS_NOT_FOUND The specified TCP MSS value %u is not configured for
Virtual Server Port "%s:%s". Please specify TCP MSS value
which is already configured.
SLB_VSRVR_PORT_TCP_MSS_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified TCP MSS value %u is out of range for Virtual
Server Port "%s:%s". Please specify a valid value in the
range of %u to %u.
SLB_VSRVR_TCP_MSS_NOT_FOUND The specified TCP MSS value %u is not configured for
Virtual Server "%s". Please specify TCP MSS value which
is already configured.
SLB_VSRVR_TCP_MSS_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified TCP MSS value %u is out of range for Virtual
Server "%s". Please specify a valid value in the range of
%u to %u.
The specified parameter authentication password "%s"
with length %d for the user "%s" is out of range. Please
specify a valid authentication password in the range of %d
to %d characters.
SNMP_COMMUNITY_STRING_ALREADY_EXISTS The specified community string "%s" with access level
"%s" already exists. Please specify a unique community
SNMP_COMMUNITY_STRING_NOT_FOUND The specified community string "%s" with access level
"%s" is not found. Please specify an existing community
string name.
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message