Programmer's Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) Manual

804 Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
List of Error Messages
SSL_PROFILE_KEY_AND_CERT_MISMATCH The specified key "%s" and certificate "%s" in SSL profile
"%s" mismatch. Please delete the specified key and
re-add the correct key and certificate.
SSL_PROFILE_KEY_FILE_ADDITION_FAIL Failed to add the specified key file "%s" to the SSL profile
"%s ". Please specify a valid key file.
SSL_PROFILE_KEY_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS A key file already exists for the specified SSL profile "%s".
Please delete and then recreate a new SSL profile.
SSL_PROFILE_KEY_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified key file "%s" is not found. Please specify a
key file which already exists for profile "%s".
SSL_PROFILE_NOT_BINDED_ON_VIP_PORT The SSL profile is not bound to VIP port "%s":"%s"). Please
specify a VIP port with an SSL profile binding.
SSL_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND The specified SSL profile "%s" is not found. Please specify
an SSL profile which already exists.
The specified SSL session cache entries are out of range.
Please specify SSL session cache entries in the range of
512 to 8192 for profile "%s".
The specified SSL session cache timeout is out of range.
Please specify a valid SSL session cache timeout value in
the range of 30 to 86400 for profile "%s".
The SSL V2 for the SSL profile "%s" cannot be enabled in
FIPS mode. Please do not enable SSLV2 in FIPS mode.
SSL_PROFILE_TCP_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND The specified TCP profile "%s" is not found. Please specify
a TCP profile which already exists.
SSL_PRV_KEY_READ_ERROR Unable to read private key from file ”%s". Please ensure
that the key file is valid.
SSL_PUB_KEY_READ_ERROR Unable to read public key from file "%s". Please ensure
that the key file is valid.
SSL_SERVER_CERT_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified server certificate file "%s" is not found.
Please specify an existing server certificate file.
The specified server certificate "%s" is a CA or a
self-signed certificate. Please specify a valid server
certificate which is not a CA or a self- signed certificate for
SSL_SERVER_CERT_NAME_NEEDED The request needs to contain the name of the server
certificate. Please specify the name of an existing server
SSL_SSLPORT_DELETE_FAIL Unable to delete the specified SSL port. Please check
that the port is not in use.
SSL_SYSTEM_MAX_PARAMETER_INFO_NEEDED The SSL system maximum parameter information is
missing. Please specify valid SSL system maximum
parameter information.
SSL_TCP_PROFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS The specified TCP profile "%s" already exists. Please
specify a unique TCP profile name.
SSL_TCP_PROFILE_IN_USE_DELETE_FAIL The specified TCP profile "%s" is bound to one or more
virtual ports. Please unbind the TCP profile from the
virtual port first.
TABLE 109 List of error messages
Error String Message