Owner manual

Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Page 45 Manual No. M/98-211-A0701
Figure 65
Note: If continuous printing was used during the test, it will be suspended when viewing the
test data or entering time to torque parameters.
The DV-III+ will operate at a single RPM for a specified period of time. Time and speed are entered
using the number keys and
OPTIONS/TAB key. The test will begin immediately upon the press of
the ENTER key.
The test will end when the specified time interval has elapsed. The data will be shown as displayed
in Figure 66. The SELECT DISPLAY key can be used to view all measurement parameters. The
PRINT key can be used to send a single dataline to the printer.
Figure 66
Note: Continuous print mode may be used in conjunction with Timed Stop to print data
throughout the time period. Printing will occur only during the test.
The DV-III+ will collect a specified number of data points over a period of time and present the
average reading (arithmetic average). Time, speed and the number of data points are entered using
the number keys and OPTIONS/TAB key. The test will begin immediately upon the press of the
ENTER key. Non-averaged data will be displayed during the test.
The test will end when the specified time interval has elapsed. The averaged data point will be
shown as displayed in Figure 67. The SELECT DISP key can be used to view the average value of
all measurement parameters. The PRINT key can be used to send a single averaged dataline to the