User's Manual

RS232-Transponder Reader
(SECS1-Protocol), Release 0.3 Draft Page 60 of 91
ID: ID000093
SSACK Format: A[2]
Description: Indicates the success or failure of a requested action.
“NO” normal operation
“EE” execute error
“CE” communication error
“HE” hardware error
“TE” tag error
Where used: S18F2, S18F4, S18F6, S18F8, S18F10, S18F12, S18F14
SSCMD Format: A[max18]
Description: Indicates an action to be performed by
the subsystem.
Used to differentiate between different subsystem commands indicated.
“ChangeState” change state
“GetStatus” get state
“PerformDiagnostics” perform diagnostic
“Reset” reset CIDRW
Where used: S18F13
STATUS Format: A[2]
Description: Provides status information for a subsystem component.
“NE” normal execution
“MR” maintenance required
Where used: S18F2, S18F12