User's Manual

RS232-Transponder Reader
(SECS1-Protocol), Release 0.3 Draft Page 91 of 91
ID: ID000093
Host to Reader: S9F9
20:08:01 Incoming: ENQ ( 05 )
20:08:01 Outgoing: EOT ( 04 )
20:08:01 Incoming: Length Byte ( 16 )
20:08:01 Incoming: Header ( 81 FF 09 09 80 01 00 00 00 02 )
20:08:01 Incoming: Data ( 21 0A 81 FF 81 ) =>the stored header
20:08:01 Incoming: Data ( 01 80 01 00 00 00 01 )
20:08:01 Incoming: Checksum ( 04 C3 )
20:08:01 Outgoing: ACK ( 06 )
After sending the S1F1 message, the reader waits for an answer from host.
If the secondary message will not appear, a transaction timeout arises and the
reader sends the S9F9 message.