User's Manual

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Product Manual - RFID Reader UF70 Certum 153
Chapter 7
Parameter 174
Tag Comm Transmit Select If No Filter Is On
With a Select filter or Select command at the beginning of an inventory, the
reader sets all transponders within the range of the antenna to a defined output
state. The transponders will be detected in an additional inventory. If no Select
filter is defined, a Select command can be displayed via this parameter. All
transponders within antenna reach can be reset with this command.
Value range: 0; 255
Default: 0x00
Parameter 175
Tag Comm Number Of EPC Words
The UF70 Certum reader can read transponders with an EPC length from 0 to 31
words (0 to 496 Bit EPCs). This parameter can deactivate the automatic detection
of the EPC length. The reader therefore reads transponders with a fixed length.
Value range: 0 - 31; 255
Default: 0xFF
Parameter 176
Tag Comm Use Block Write
With this parameter, the "BlockWrite" command is activated during the writing of
data on a transponder. The reader then writes more than 16 Bit (one word) on the
transponder with only one command.
Value range: 0; 255
Default: 0x00
Not all transponders support the "BlockWrite" command. The information if the
respective transponder supports this command can be read in the
corresponding data sheets.